Sweetwater Logistics


At Sweetwater Logistics, we’re closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and continue working to serve the needs of our clients and your customers. We understand that everyone is adapting to new ways of life as we all pull together to curtail this outbreak. We ensure you that Sweetwater Logistics is open and intends to stay open during this incredibly difficult time.

How is Sweetwater Logistics Flattening the Curve?

In response to the virus, we’ve implemented updated best practices in our workplace to help ensure the health and safety of our employees and customers. We are working with a limited staff on site and will allow any employee that can work from home to do so. These essential employees adhere to recommended hygiene and social distancing practices, and we’ve implemented clean workspace procedures. This will not only limit the possibility for the virus to spread but ensure that we can remain operational. We have temporarily limited on-site visitors and ask that if a client feels the need to check in with our team at Sweetwater Logistics; we do so via a video conference as it is our number one priority to keep our staff and clients safe at all times. We have also made changes to our drivers’ and vendors’ access, limiting their presence in the building.

Sweetwater Logistics’ Status:

We have applied to be designated as an “Essential Business” which would allow us to remain open if the State moves forward with any mandatory closures. We are optimistic that we will be granted this opportunity as our client base includes medical devices, food and household essentials. We are proud to note that the vast majority of orders went out on time last week; even with a limited staff. We also realize that this is an ever-changing event, and we would like to ask for some grace moving forward. We will strive to get all orders out the same day but in full transparency, some orders will go out the following day. Orders will be prioritized by essentials (States definition) and the current standing of our client’s if the need arises to make difficult decisions. Please take this time to update your customers, websites and/or retailers to manage any expectations they may have.

Looking Ahead
Sweetwater Logistics has proactively started the process to receive Disaster Relief Funding so that funds are in hand if we need them.  We currently do not need the funds though want to be prepared in the event that we do. The COVID-19 situation remains fluid, and Sweetwater Logistics is committed to helping customers manage through this difficult time. We will continue to monitor and respond to federal, state and local health authorities to protect our employees and serve our customers safely, and with minimal disruption.  With FBA limiting the selection of products they are prioritizing for fulfillment we are prepared to start processing our clients seller central orders that otherwise would be processed by FBA.

On behalf of the Sweetwater Logistics team I want to thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you at this time and wish you and your families a safe conclusion to this outbreak.

Customer Satisfaction

The Best!!

There are companies that promise to do a great job and then there are companies that actually keep that promise. Sweetwater has been an excellent partner and I credit a lot of our success to the support that their TEAM provides. We value our relationship.


Rob Conley