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Is it a Business or a Hobby? How to Plan for Success With Your Ecommerce Site

It is estimated that by 2025, the ecommerce industry will reach over $7 trillion in sales across the globe. That’s a huge number. Many economists term this rightfully – if not curelly – as “grow or die.” Although many ecommerce startups want to believe that they are in it for the long-run, the reality is […]

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Using Digital Tools To Maximize Your Customer Experience & Increase Your Sales Leads

Digital marketing touches everything we touch. From the moment we unlock our smartphones, open our laptops or “check in” at our favorite restaurant, the vast internet universe is collecting data on us. Creepy? Maybe. Helpful? For business owners, yes. When you are an ecommerce store that survives on people’s online behavior, it’s important to maximize […]

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6 Questions to Ask Yourself For Long-Term Success with a Logistics Partner

When your e-commerce business is growing rapidly, it often feels like you are trying to build the plane while you are flying it. Although this is a familiar feeling for many small to medium sized businesses, it can often lead to snap decision making – because when you need help, you need it, well, yesterday. […]

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4 Ways to Reach Your Business Goals Using Last Year’s Data

It probably shouldn’t surprise you that most people abandon their New Year’s resolutions by February 1. In fact, according to research by OSU’s Fisher College of Business, 9% of people bail on their resolutions by the first week of January. But the good news is that in 2024 your business likely has a lot of […]

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Surviving the Summer Slump: Four Ideas to Keep Your Business Moving Forward

Summer in the United States is historically slow for most industries. With kids out of school and families taking extended time off to get out of town, most online behavior begins to dwindle – especially online sales. So how can you make the  most of the “slower season” between Memorial Day (end of May) and […]

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Planning for the Unexpected: Three Parts of Your Delivery Process You Can Control

As negotiations loom closer to their July 31 deadline, Teamsters and UPS are struggling to come to an agreement for some 340,000 Union workers. Not to mention, FedEx will also experience delays as they try to handle the massive volume of both carriers on their own. Although a strike hasn’t happened since 1997, it’s still […]

Posted in: Distribution, ecommerce, Shipping | Tags: , , , , ,

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Tips for Choosing the Perfect Product Packaging for Your Ecommerce

As an ecommerce business, you know that getting your product to your clients efficiently and safely is key. However, receiving a package in the mail (even if it’s expected) has become an experience for many customers. This has created the opportunity for some businesses to further connect with their clients and develop a long-lasting relationship […]

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5 Tax Savings Tips for Those Selling Online

*Disclaimer: This blog applies to U.S. taxes and should be used for informational purposes only. Although selling online can be more cost-effective than needing to pay overhead for a brick and mortar store, it doesn’t come without its tax requirements. Especially when you begin selling products across multiple states in the U.S., it’s important to […]

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Preparing to Enter the U.S. Market? Follow our Checklist to Get Started

If you are hoping to bring your product to the U.S., you may feel as though it’s an overwhelming task. You know there are buyers here, but how do you effectively reach them while still making a profit? The good news is also the bad news: there are a ton of options when it comes […]

Posted in: ecommerce, Logistics, Packaging, Shipping, US commerce | Tags: , , , , ,

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